The Residents' Perspective
Who Are We?
Rocky View Forward is a grassroots organization formed by a group of residents from throughout Rocky View County. Rocky View is our home and, as ratepayers, we believe our local government should ensure that its top priority is addressing residents' needs. We are concerned that past councils have drifted away from this focus. We believe that the unique character of Rocky View should be maintained - a broad, welcoming mix of small communities, country residential properties and agricultural holdings.

What We Believe
Rocky View Forward believes that our County's Council should place the interests of its residents first and foremost. We understand the need for growth, so long as it is sustainable, responsible and logical.

What We Want
Rocky View Forward envisions a County government that supports a broad community of agricultural and residential interests. We value a rural lifestyle yet understand the pressures from our proximity to major urban centres.

Views on Development
Rocky View Forward recognizes the need for growth. We support sustainable development that has a realistic long-term benefit for the County. We believe development should be evaluated relative to County policy and its impact on existing communities.

What We Do
As a grassroots advocacy group, Rocky View Forward's goal is to increase residents' involvement and awareness about the current state of our County government while identifying common concerns throughout the County.

How We Get There
Rocky View Forward encourages residents to become actively involved in local politics. Together we can strongly influence the decision-making that affects our communities and the unique lifestyles we bought into.